April Lockhart

April Lockhart (born July 4 in 1995) started her musical journey as a 7th grader in which she began guitar and piano classes. at the age of 12, April wrote her first song Different. The singer spent much of her the time of 14 writing songs and practicing music. The songwriting began with her dad in NY and LA shortly after. April also began to include different topics related to some of her classmates who struggle with such things as peer pressure disabilities and even teens who commit suicide through the songs Take my Hand. Lockhart is a popular figure and works as an online lifestyle blogger for the renowned Ilia the Clean Beauty brand. The disability she has is part of her identity, but it's not the entire image. Lockhart does not deny that she has a disability in her posts on Instagram, however she isn't making it the focal point of the post. What message is it trying to convey? This is the message: We all have multiple identities and are far more complicated than we believe we are. I don't want that to define me I don't intend to become an influencer where it's the only thing I discuss because there are other aspects to me. Lockhart speaks via video from her residence in Nashville. The fact that she is a disability influencer doesn't impact my life. All is well and I've learned how to make adjustments. It's also a part of my personality, and it's something that needs to be addressed. Lockhart inspires us to keep striving to be self-accepting. However, she acknowledges going through phases with her body and sometimes being unsure about wearing specific types of clothes which showed off her arms. Today, she wears anything she likes and uploads images of her outfits to social media with pride. The key to self-love for her is the fact that it's not a destination. It's a fact that I see common to everyone regardless of what the source of their anxiety. I think that having people close to you who truly understand you and can see the depths of your soul is vital as they'll be the ones that remind you of what are you worried about?

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